Saturday, 13 April 2013

Innovate Within...

This feels amazing, writing something that the whole world can read and generations to come could remember us by.  Salute to the power of Social media. It has unleashed the power within every individual. 
We are living in an age of “innosec” i.e. innovation every second, which transforms our world to a better place. On one hand we are busy gauging the universe and on the other, providing us with excellent connectivity, that is the power of mankind… Being constantly in touch with almost everyone who is important in one or the other aspect of your life, be it professional or personal has made our world virtual. 

With the device (Cell phone, Tab) constantly ringing, I sometimes wonder do we have any peace of mind left to explore and put together our pieces of our own mind and become a better person? How much time do we actually get to introspect? To analyse our lives? Rather, does introspection even feature in our “TO DO Lists”?  Haven’t they also to large extent become business models?
Don’t we do this to ourselves…?

One fine day when we come across a post like this, and realise “ Oh yes, I am missing out on introspection” we suddenly allot some time to it perhaps 2 hours the coming weekend. In those two hours more like a business, we set goals (which is good) and allot time to achieve it. After this our daily schedule excel files have another row added which deals with this aspect of self improvement and how we work upon them is another story altogether.

But, how often do we actually reassess ourselves?

Again, some other time when we come across a post like this.
This time lag is so much that we can hardly recollect the components of the previous list and most of us are too lazy to go to our physical memory cards (The Phone/Laptop or any other device you use for creating your schedule sheets) and get the data. Again the same process repeats. 

While we deal with it as a business, do successful businesses thrive on the basis of 1 day plans or constant real time up gradation of plans so that they don’t lose either the relevance or essence?

Then why do we let this happen to ourselves?

Losing our relevance and essence! Is that what we foresee for ourselves? 
If not, let us spare few moments for ourselves… just 2 minutes before bed.
If we lose out on 2 mins of sleep it wouldn't harm but a loss of 2 mins of introspection would give you pint sized growth. And a pint is nothing to quench the thirst for life… The opportunity cost of 2 mins of introspection is higher than 2 mins of sleep…

So Introspect... 

Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.” 
― Aristotle

“Your visions will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.” 
― C.G. Jung
                                                                                                                             Ahaan well they said so...   B-)
Cheers to life!!!


Kavitha @ Foodomania said...

Waaah.. Shiva's back in form! :D

rini said...

posts in blog should have "like" say- i like what you said but i really don't know what to say...reassessing yourselves!!! i am not sure if i am even qualified to comment on such intense and serious topic...hehehe u see my grey matter's only there for decoration it really doesn't work :P

Unknown said...

Hey Cavity... :-D
Rini....your grey matter works perfectly in the direction it should... Thanks for the appreciation...