Saturday, 13 April 2013

The Desi Mem : )

I have neva felt so close to homeland and so full of desi-ness as I do now when I am far far away from home  . In fact I am so proud of being a DESI that I love to flaunt it everywhere  Mind you being desi does not mean being a chindi, hogging on free food(fact-people from other countries are greater "hogger" than us, i think it is just a human characteristic to be ecstatic on seeing the word FREE), aloof people who just want to hang out with their own groups, wear a lot of oil in their hair and eat with their hand. Those are some aspects of us but not something that defines us!!!
DESI in true sense is Someone who is still closely attached to his roots and who neva forgets the place he came from (coz that's what shaped him, gave him strength to dream big and make it come true :D) .And so my friends quoting from IF by Rudyard Kipling, desi can be described as

"Can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,
  Or walk with Kings---nor lose the common touch"

We talk loud not coz we have no sense of manners but because we believe in sharing our lil piece of information with anyone who needs it, share our happiness with everyone coz as they say laughter and happiness is infectious and cry about our problems to whoever would listen sothat they can feel good about themselves when they see that we are in a bigger mess than them.

We touch our elders feet or bow in front of them not because it's culture thing or a just a way of paying respect to elders. There are times when we don't agree with elders, want to shout and scream at them, think they are too old to even try and understand our thoughts. But still we bow, cause each time we do (either forcefully :/  or out of will :)) important lessons of life - respecting differences, wisdom, holding yourself from reacting impulsively are in ingrained in us more firmly and most importantly it saves us from being an upright arrogant ass. Bowing doesn't mean surrender, it means I respect you as an individual with all your qualities. So next time you fight with your mom for making you do that, just sit back and think , Hey! I am getting some of the most important values instilled in me for which others splurge on management books and classes to learn them and still fail.(trust me works sometimes knowing how irritating and demanding some of the relatives can be :P)

Okay tym to stop boring you with my desi gyan. But as a DESI just wanted to share "my lil piece of information"  Btw if you wondering why did i choose this topic, here is a lil about me- I am fun & boring, wild &calm, self-obsessed &"i-don-give-a damn" , nerdy&back-bench-er GAL :D Yep I still have to figure myself out, just like many other things I am in process of figuring out.Currently in States for my masters I have lot to share but the crab in me (yes cancerians are moody!!!) takes over at times and even though i read all of your blogs, neva "got time" (read-din't have mood) to write one myself! 

SO here it is!..enjoy the DESI in you and always BE PROUD OF WHO YOU ARE!


VIJAY said...

Nice reflections on your experience in "UaaSSS" Sneha. Being Desi is great but there are also many things we can learn from other cultures. Like smiling at a stranger, greeting "Good morning" to some on the street, being punctual (I know I shouldn't be saying this one :P), respecting the young and many more!! I see this as an opportunity to learn and experience other cultures over here. It just enriches your worldliness. But at the end of the day, you still are a Desi inside. This exposure is like Sprinkle over the candy (Chocolate candy for you :D). So I will just let yourself go. Be American, Be Asian, Be Filipino. Try crazy new things. After all this is the Time of our lives!! ;)

$neha said...

Yep that so true, we do need to learn from different cultures but isn't that what a desi is? We have evolved from so many traditions and always keep doing so. At the same time we should keep in mind neva to belittle ourselves in being a DESI :D and crazy :P wait for my other posts ;)Crazy,bitchy,wild, many emotions remain to be captured in words :D

Kavitha | Foodomania said...

Thumbs up for this one S!! Loved what you've written :)