Saturday 20 April 2013

Who's up for "GIPPY" or "GO GOA GONE"?

Both these movies are releasing on May 10th and I'm goin' for one of the two.

Anybody up for it? :-D I think the last movie we all saw together was Fanaah.. after 10th exams (remember)? :-D
Or was it Lage Raho Munnabhai? Dunno.. which released later?

Anyhoo.. both these movies sound good..  I'll probably relate a lot to GIPPI though!


Go Goa Gone

So.. let me know if you wanna come with me! I'll buy you an ice cream. ;-)


Swati Padmanabhan said...

I thought you meant lets go to goa!

Anonymous said...

May i join you guys.. it seems to have fun there..